You can find a step-by-step do-it-yourself tutorial on how to install InspireBot here: Link

Download the latest version of InspireBot here: Link

Step-by-Step Tutorial

A) Sharing the folder

  1. Create a new folder on Desktop and paste the xml file there

  2. Right click that folder and go to Properties > Sharing

  3. Click on Share

  4. Add yourself to the folder. Give read and write permission to yourself.

  5. Click on Share button

  6. At this point, a window opens with the link (like this picture). Copy that link and paste it somewhere.

B) Get Add-In into PowerPoint

  1. Open Microsoft PowerPoint
  2. Go to File > Options > Trust Centre > Trust Centre Settings
  3. Choose Trusted Add-In Catalogs
  4. In the Catalog Url box, paste the shared folder link that you saved earlier on notepad
  5. After you pasted the Catalog Url, select Add Catalog button